Apr 3, 2008

Selena&Wesley ~March 31st 2008

What a super COOL wedding Selena&Wesley had! It was creative and unique and I'm not sure how anyone can top this. Ok... the bridesmaids had the most interesting hair accessories and the bride well... WOW! she looked like she belonged on Broadway! Wesley looked super sharp and Stage (the cutest ring dog ever!) was pretty debonair. I have to tell you that the D-Jay CHICKENGEORGE was awesome and he has to play at my 33rd birthday party! ohhh... they had a fire dancer that rocked it! Thanks to Laura from One World for making my job easier.

I love these shoes and I need a pair!

Selena was very emotional throughout the ceremony and it was really touching.

Need I say more... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Playing with light!

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