Jul 16, 2007

Baby Shower!

It's really happening! I'm having this baby GIRL in less than 2 months and somehow I'm not ready! We have no name ... but we do have lots of PINK! I'm soooooooooo excited to have a girl! So my lovely lady friends threw me an awesome baby shower yesterday with lots of yummy food, no baby games (Thank YOU!), manicures&pedicures (REALLY) and lots of wine... OK... I only had a glass but man... I really wanted to try all of them. My mom (Mercedes) came up from Mexico City to celebrate with me and my sister (Tatiana) was here as well. I can't THANK Stacy, Kathryn, Heather, Sam and Diana enough for putting this together. I'm very luck to have such an amazing group of friends. I love ya. I truly had a wonderful time. Thanks to everyone for showing up and giving US ALL that LOVE! Tatiana, Mercedes and ME!
I'm getting pretty ROUND!
Ahhh... I love my sis!
Look at all this ladies...
Blanca getting her nails done... Heather hosted the party at her house and I have to say I LOVE her house!

Stacy doing the Stacy pose!
Katie was being camera shy... but Kathryn looks pretty cute here!
My HOT Mama!
I have no idea what's going on here.
I just love this photo.
Cute! I love having my sister around... even if we argue all the time (she doesn't know how to drive) and we both like to be the boss... she's older so she usually wins but I sure give it 200%.
Ah.... I'm not sure what I was doing but for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to jump around... My mom didn't seem to think so.The hostesses and Me.

Pretty much everything was pink... I'm used to BLUE.
Slap happy or I'm about to pee my pants... not sure which one.
My grandma and mom made these bags with lots of love and gave one to each of the girls as gifts. SWEET!
Little shoes.
I was hoping they would accidentally drop some on my head.


SMS Photography said...

we are so glad that you had an amazing day! we had a blast putting it all together!
we can't wait for that little baby girl. :)
love you!

Michelle said...

congrats vanessa! you look wonderful and sooo happy! :)

vanessa said...

Thanks guys! It was fun.