Nov 15, 2007

Jack! 2 months old

Morgan had her baby and he might be Sol's first boyfriend... ok... maybe not... but you never know. He is 2 weeks younger than her so we'll see if she fancies the younger men.
I'm not sure what is going on with my baby sessions lately but let me tell you the kiddos have not been in the mood to smile. I got a couple of smiles out of Jack but all he wanted to do was sleep. "Well so do I but we still have work Jack... modeling is not so easy, huh?" He could hardly keep his eyes open. He got especially mad when we changed his outfits (my husband says boys don't wear outfits, just clothes, but I think the mamas would agree with me that they are our dolls and they have outfits). Thanks for having me in your home again and I look forward to documenting Jack's first year! To see Morgan 's pregnancy's photos click here.

I'm getting tired.
ok... I'm asleep

Jack cooking in Mama's belly.

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