Sep 17, 2008

Kristin&Joseph ~September 13th, 2008

Kristin&Joseph PART2!
Not only do I love to travel for weddings I love to travel to places I have never been before... Santa Fe being one of them. My sweater did come in handy but my runnings shoes never made it out of my bag... I was too busy eating and relaxing... maybe watching some bad TV in bed with no hubby or the kiddos ;) ok... I'm getting sidetracked... back to the real reason I was in Santa Fe.
Let me start from the beginning. Kristyna&Josh (who's wedding was just published in the Knot) fell in love and I got to photograph their cool wedding in Fredericksburg... Kristin's brother who happens to be one of Josh's best friends told Kristin when she got engaged about me... so Kristin hired me to photograph her amazing wedding in Santa Fe! I would say that makes me one lucky girl!! So now that we are all caught up... Kristin&Joseph are an amazing couple... not only are they cool folks they are madly in love and truly appreciate each other. They aren't afraid to wear their heart on their sleeves... They made me cry more than once... and I also caught myself clapping! I wish you guys all the best and Diana and I want to go out for drinks when you get back from honeymoon! I also can't wait to hear you play Joseph! if anyone knows of Joseph's myspace page send it to me... please!
To see Diana's post go to her blog! Scroll down to see PART1 of Santa FEE!
THANKS again to my awesomest (is that a word? I like it!) friend Diana for coming along and helping me have such a great time!

This is the most amazing tent I have ever seen... we need one of these in Austin!

Lots of love....

I love Kristin's DAD... I wanted to put him in suitcase and take him home with me... he's adorable!

Joe West played and he was awesome! I thought his voice sounded like Willie and I love Willie.

Not sure what was going on here between best man and groom.

Is this crazy?

Kristyna&Josh being goofy... ok Josh being goofy!
Kristyna&Josh at their wedding... more photos of them here.

Kristin's brother at Josh's and Kristyna's wedding last year.

1 comment:

DCM Photography said...

That tent is the coolest!