Mar 5, 2008

Contest Winner!

And the winner is.... drum ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kristi&Alberto, ALBERTO & HIS BOYS!

ok... Kristy you need to send me an email telling us about you and Alberto's love story and what your wedding images make you feel like after it was all said and done... the public wants to know.
How do you want to spend that $200 print credit?

The lovely couple!And the winner of the special prize is: Mary Newport, Lauren's mom

"I vote for the picture of Ryan's dad. The emotion on ALL the faces really speaks to me. Just to be clear, he is NOT upset that his son is marrying my daughter! HaHa!
Vanessa, all of your photos tell unique stories and capture the true emotions of your subjects. Even the picture of Lauren's shoe reminds me of all those girls and what they mean to my daughter. By the way, 3 of them are now engaged! I wonder if their names are still legible? You have a fabulous gift!"

I laughed... so she wins!... Wondering what she wins? Well... how about a Vacation for 2 in Jamaica... ok... NOT REALLY... I need your address so I can send you a bottle of Champagne!

Thanks to everyone who participated! I was thrilled by the results. Stay tuned for part 2!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo I won! I am in serious need of Jamaica but Champagne sounds delightful. Thanks!